Memphis Apartment, Milan

Credits: project by Gema Gutiérrez - PUNTOFILIPINO
Photo by Polina Parcevskya
The Camelot bathtub and its strong personality recall the medieval origins of British design in a surprisingly natural dialogue with the Art Deco patterns on the bathroom walls: this is just one of the amazing twists that bring alive an apartment in Milan where nothing is banal. By Puntofilipino, a multidisciplinary creative studio in Madrid, this experiential interior design project has resulted from overturning of the minimalist aesthetics of Modernism, an expedient as carefully studied as it is extravagant. In every room of this home lived in by a couple of freelancers in the world of art, colours, materials, furnishings, rugs, curtains and unexpected finishes subvert all the canons ruling aesthetics, right down to the smallest details, mixing Art Deco and Pop Art with the iconoclastic irreverence that was the signature trademark of the Memphis Group.
